Best Selling Fiverr Gigs You Need To Offer To Potential Customers

Best Selling Fiverr Gigs You Need To Offer To Potential Customers  – The Fiverr game is getting more cut throat than ever before. With top sellers dominating the site it can be seriously hard for people just starting out to earn cash. I’m going to show you 10 Fiverr gigs that are foolproof and sell like hot cakes. These gigs will allow people just starting out a chance to start earning money with fiverr and it will also give people looking to take their Fiverr business to the next level some great ideas.
Best Selling Fiverr Gigs You Need To Offer To Potential Customers

#1. Logo Design – Social Media Design – Cartoons & Banner Ads

 Graphic design is easily one of the best services to offer on Fiverr. If you’re good at graphic design, then it’s easy and quick to get the graphics created. If you’ve ever seen someone who’s good at using photoshop to create logo’s then you’ll know how quick and easy it is for them to create 50 + logos within 4 hours. I’ve worked with people who can happily design Fiverr logos at a rate of almost 3 every 10 minutes. It will take time to develop that kind of speed, but the actual logo design shouldn’t take you longer than two weeks to learn, as long as you blast through some YouTube tutorials.
Banner ads is something that I often buy off Fiverr.I find the quality of banner ads on Fiverr to be higher than when I use companies that charge $30 +. This means that me and many other people find banner ad designers and if they’re good we stick with them and get all our banners created by them. Banner ads is a great service to provide and if you mix it with logo design you’ll be promoting 2 of the most popular gigs on Fiverr.
Cartoons, if you’re good at creating cartoons of people’s pictures, then it’s time to cash out on your abilities. People love anything like that, although it’s not as high-profile as logo and ad banners it’s still worth trying. You’ll usually get high up sales when doing something like this.
You can also get programmes that allow you to create cartoons from images without any work. Try having a look round and see what you find.
Social media graphic design is another thing I constantly buy. I always buy designs for my Twitter & Facebook page, sometimes even more YouTube. If you’re good at graphic design then you’ll always want to do all of these graphic design gigs. Once you get good at making each graphic you’ll learn how to be extremely quick and efficient at creating these gigs. That makes it a lot easier to complete the job and earn money.
Best Selling Fiverr Gigs You Need To Offer To Potential Customers

#2. Video Creation – Editing – Intro/OutroInfographic Videos – Funny Videos

If you’ve got a nice video editing software, something like After Effects then you’ll be able to do all of the above without much work.
Intro/outro creation is something that I used to create on Fiverr and in all honesty it works extremely well. You get After Effects, look at some tutorials on YouTube a Vimeo, create some basic intro designs and sell them to people for $5. Once you’ve created a video project it will take you 1 minutes to add in the persons text, then you’ve just got to compile the video and you’ll be good to go.
Some people are naughty and use Intro’s brought from VideoHive, this is obviously a lot easier, but I have to stress that it is illegal and even though all the other Fiverr users are doing it, doesn’t mean it’s okay. You only have the rights to use the video software once so by selling it to 1000 + people on Fiverr you’re breaking the terms of use and royalties.
Infographic videos are in high demand and are seriously easy to create. There are tons of WSO software that allows you to create infographic videos in a matter of minutes. You literally just have to apply text and click compile. I’d recommend charging $5 for 30 seconds and then add $10 for every 30 seconds after that.You can also chuck in some royalty free music and add their overhead voice for $5 +.
Funny videos. Hot girls or weird men only! If you fall into either of them categories then you’re able to create funny videos where you hold a sign for $5 or do something crazy for $5. You can sing happy birthday to someone or give them a sexy dance, the skies the limit. (Caution: This does work best if you’re a seriously hot women)
Editing. If you’re a YouTuber then one of the biggest pains that you’ve got to go through on a daily basis is editing. Editing is easily one of the quickest ways to profit using Fiverr. As long as you’ve got quick internet and a good editing software you can create big bucks. Now I’m not talking about editing let’s plays, I’m talking about editing trailers, small videos, sales videos, etc. You’ve just got to add royalty free music, make the video more smooth, cut and edit so it plays better. You can charge extra for big projects and if you’re good you’ll get a lot of people who come back to you weekly.
Best Selling Fiverr Gigs You Need To Offer To Potential Customers

#3. Voice Acting

Have you got a radio voice and a nice microphone? If you do then you can create a voice acting gig. Using a microphone like this and a pop filter like this you’ll be able to deliver studio quality sound to your Fiverr service.
Voice acting is probably the easiest way to earn money on Fiverr. Purely because it’s easy to control and as long as you’ve got a nice microphone you’ll be able to do amazing things in a matter of minutes.
If you practice voice acting then you’ll be able to deliver 40 gigs an hour depending on how long each voice cip is. Most voice actors on Fiverr charge $5 for 30 seconds or 120 words. You can make a lot of money on the up sale of words. Another reason to try voice acting is because it’s one of the only services where newbie gigs still get brought. As long as you’ve got a nice voice, a video on your gig and you do some basic promoting you’ll be grand.
Best Selling Fiverr Gigs You Need To Offer To Potential Customers

#4. Writing – Articles – Sales Copy  

Are you a writer? or do you enjoy writing? If you can write 10,000 words per day then creating a Fiverr writing gig could be a great way to earn a full-time living.
Articles. People are more than happy to buy 50 + gigs from someone who’s good at writing and has a quick response time. I’ve worked in the article writing industry and there’s loads of money to be made, it’s one of the only services that people consistently buy on a day-to-day basis. You’ll only need 20 good clients to be able to earn a full-time wage from writing articles.
In my time article writing I found that webmasters who create either SEO services or bulk Adsense/affiliate blogs would buy a 5 test articles and then if they liked what they got they’d purchase a years worth of content for their micro blogs, article directories and main sites.
People in the business of article buying look for cheap, solid content that’s unique and not spun, if you can deliver that on a day-to-day basis then you can easily create a service that people go crazy for. Just remember if you’re creating good quality content then people are happy to pay for it, just don’t get caught in the trap of writing 1000 words for $5 to stand out. Quality over quantity will get you solid clients that keep coming back for more.
Sales copy. If you’re a genuinely good writer and you don’t want to be writing 10,000 to 20,000 thousand words per day then you’ll want to look into writing sales copy. Things like text on ads, sales videos, sales pages and on products is what you’ll be writing.
You’ll usually get paid around $5 per 100 words of sales copy and as long as you’ve studied the art of sales conversion writing (just YouTube some tutorials and buy a few eBooks on sales copy) you’ll be fine and be able to create eye-catching sales pitches in near to no time.
If you do 5000 words everyday then you’ll be earning $1750 per week which is a really good rate of 1 dollar every 20 words.
Best Selling Fiverr Gigs You Need To Offer To Potential Customers

#5. Proofreading – Article Editing

Proofreading is honestly one of my least favourite jobs and I know that almost every webmaster feels the same way. That’s why we hire people on Fiverr to proofread our articles. The reason I added this to the list is because there’s a real gap in the Fiverr market for someone who can deliver a quick, high quality, well priced proofreading service. If you charge a fair amount of money and offer editing with each proofreading gig then you’ll be able to earn big dollar from people like me.
There’s not too many users on Fiverr who offer great proofreading services for eBooks, articles and sales copy. A lot of the gigs used automated software to just check for spelling errors. The reason why people need proofreading isn’t just for spelling, it’s for the content flow and the grammar, so by using that automated software you’re not doing the job correctly.
This leaves space in the market for people like you who enjoy proofreading and editing content. You can charge around $5 for 500 – 1000 words and maybe add $5 for every 1,000 words after. I do recommend that you allow proofreading for eBooks as there’s a massive market of people who need it.
I appreciate this gig will only appeal to a certain set of people who enjoy reading and correcting words. For them people it’s a great way to earn cash.
Article editing is another service that I’d happily buy on Fiverr. If you’ve got royalty free images and some content editing skills behind you, you should find this gig to be a real winner.
Provide a service where you’ll edit articles straight onto WordPress or other CMS/Blogging platforms. You’ll get a lot of webmasters who will buy bulk amounts of your gig in order for you to handle all the content upload and editing on their sites.
People involved in bulk creating of websites will often buy 50 articles and then pay someone $100 bucks to upload them articles with pictures to their blog/s. There’s always money to be earnt when it comes to articles and editing.
Best Selling Fiverr Gigs You Need To Offer To Potential Customers

#6. WordPress Problem Solving

Can you fix problems and errors with WordPress? If you can then Fiverr is the perfect place to sell your service. WordPress problem solving gigs are always earning money. They sell loads of gigs and the jobs usually take around 5 minutes to complete.
You can add different services to you problem solving gig like: Yoast SEO configuration, Speed up your site, Install Super Cache to your WordPress site correctly, etc. I personally would buy these gigs, especially when I’m creating a new blog on a tight schedule and need to outsource some of the longer tasks like plugin installation. Creating a service like this is easy to manage and a great starting point for your Fiverr success.
Best Selling Fiverr Gigs You Need To Offer To Potential Customers

#7. Business Advice – Marketing Advice

Giving people advice on business, marketing and advertising is a sure way to earn money using Fiverr.
People are always happy to see what $5 can get the for advice on their business. Most people who deliver a service like this have some pre created templates that they just use again and again.
The truth is that if you’ve been in business for 5 + years then you’ll realise that most companies are run the same way. It doesn’t take rocket science to know that regular meetings with staff are important and things like targets, strategies and planning will help a business succeed. You can also drop in a few lines about how spending money helps you make more money in the long run.
Marketing advice. I’ve got plenty of marketing advice on this blog that you could offer people in the shape of a $5 gig. Articles like Marketing A Website On A Budget will help you learn ways to promote businesses and websites without big budgets. Just start reading and create a few templates for marketing different companies and different budgets.
Best Selling Fiverr Gigs You Need To Offer To Potential Customers

#8. Fake Likes, Followers, Favourites & Shares

Fake social presence is a multi-million dollar industry that got created over-night. If you can get your hands on the correct software that creates and verifies Twitter and Facebook accounts you can easily earn tons of money using Fiverr.
There are loads of programmes out there that create fake Twitter accounts that will follow anyone you tell them too. I use this bot to create and manage my Twitter accounts. It can create thousands of Twitter accounts in under a few minutes and you can tell them all to follow, favourite and share anything. This makes it easy to provide a service like this.
You can get the same bots for Facebook, pinterest and instagram, just google “account creators for (enter social network here)” and you’ll find loads of bots that can handle tasks that people will pay for.
Best Selling Fiverr Gigs You Need To Offer To Potential Customers

#9. ShoutOuts On Social Media

Have you got a big Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Tumblr account? If you do then you can offer shoutouts to your audience. It takes a matter of seconds to tweet a message to your audience and as long as your audience is real people will keep coming back for more.
This is just a nice way to earn money using Fiverr. This type of gig usually never sell more than 100 + copies, but they take no work and if you’ve got a high-profile account just sitting there it’s worth promoting something on it and making some cash.
Best Selling Fiverr Gigs You Need To Offer To Potential Customers

#10. Advertising – Flyers – Banner Ads – Links.

You can earn money promoting people’s business, blogs, websites and social profiles using flyers, banner ads and links. It’s simple and usually quite easy to provide.
Flyers. You offer to hand 30 flyers out to people in your college or at an event. There’s always gigs around like this that people create and earn money with.
Banner ads. If you’ve got a blog/website then you can offer advertising space for $5. You can even create an advertising page where you’ll add loads of different ads for a year for the price of $5. This is a simple but effective way of earning a few hundred bucks per year doing nothing.
Links. You can add contextual links on your blogs to other sites for $5. I see this all the time on Fiverr and they always seem to have a few hundred sales with this service. Because it runs out every months I bet they get a lot of resales and build up a nice client portfolio.
Selling something like this is all about the niche your blog is in. I recommend fitness, food and news for people looking for high profit niches to set up to sell links on.

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